Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Things seminary has taught/is reminding me…

 …. sometimes I need to calm the mess down and be where I am.

…. the meaning of the words “anthropomorphic, anachronism, and catechesis.”

…Scripture is super confusing but one thing is clear throughout the Old and New Testament….. God is intimately concerned with the plight of the poor, the marginalized, and the underserved in society.
…. the more I learn the more I want to know.

…..I cannot underestimate my privilege.

….I miss teaching sometimes and more than that I miss my kids.

….starting with the disciples, we as followers of Jesus just can’t seem to get it right. We’ve done a lot failing to “get it” over the years. We cannot hide that fact, but it does not mean that there is no hope for the church.

….God is seriously concerned with the plight of the poor, the marginalized, and the underserved in society.

….we can create all sorts of excuses to sit around and do nothing while injustice is happening all around us.

….sometimes, it is important to season your words, even if I don’t want to.

….I don’t get to build myself up as being “above” those who I see as “not getting it.”

…. refusing to use one’s privilege in a way that benefits society is not ok.

….God  is seriously, seriously, concerned with the plight of the poor, the marginalized, and the underserved in society.

….sometimes I need to be still and sometimes I don’t get to fix everything.

....I miss Helena, AR... the people, the kids, the delta. I did not think I would miss it all so much.

…..if you are going to take following this Jesus guy seriously, you must engage the political sphere.

…… Facebook is not the best way to engage the political sphere.

…. regardless of where you are, it is the people with whom you choose to surround yourself that makes your situation more beautiful. 

….speaking out is great, but sometimes you need to make sure people are listening before you start talking.

….listening and patience are the skills that I have the most difficult time cultivating in my life, and it is those skills that I need to develop. Now! :)

…. I am here for a reason. I will continue to ask the Lord to quiet my impatient and restless soul while I figure out exactly what that reason is.

…. there are some good people in Atlanta, GA. 


  1. "The more I learn the more I want to know..."
    I'm going to remind you of this every time you say something to the effect of "why am I reading this @#$%?" (e.g. tonight re: the Thiessen article on Deut. 32).
