Sunday, November 29, 2009


thanksgiving break may have been the greatest experience of my entire life. it was so nice to see auburn people, family, and just relax. i managed to read a 480 page book in two days, work a little (too much according to richard rogers), and eat a lot. ohh thanksgiving was just wonderful. three more weeks and then a welcome two week break. i know i can make it two weeks no problem. oh i don't know if i mentioned this but every time it rains for more than five minutes our basement floods. haha. so yeah that happened tonight. nice little welcome back to arkansas present from our house. just realized i hadn't posted in awhile. life is good, ready for three more weeks.... kind of. peace.

oh and if you just so happen to be a male person who begot my existence (aka richard rogers).... the telling of the basement flooding is not just "another attempt to make my life sound miserable" it is simply a statment of fact. it rains.... our basement floods, just the way it is. peace.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


so yesterday im giving a unit test which are worth 40% of the students' final grade. and what does a kid in my fifth period class decide to do during the middle of said test? answer his cell phone. and i don't mean answer it in a sly type of way in which you are attempting to hide it. i mean answer it, say hello in a normal speaking voice, and then proceed to have a conversation. "yeah i'm in class right now." you can't make this stuff up.

as a side note... i am extremely tired. it does not matter how much i sleep on the weekends i am always completely exhausted by tuesday afternoon. only a week and a half til thanksgiving. dear goodness i cannot wait. speaking of sleep... last night (friday night) i fell asleep on the couch around 7 o clock and slept til 6:45 this morning. it was pretty nice. hope everyone is doing well. peace.